Post GIS Vision

Regina Obe

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SQL In a Nutshell pgRouting a Practical Guide


Books Coming
The Book of PostgreSQL (No Starch Press)
In Progress
pgRouting (a practical guide) 2nd Ed (Locate Press) in Progress.

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What time is it now?

PostGIS = Post(GIS) = Post GIS?

Before PostGIS: Plotters (circa 2000)

It's all about maps

My Map
Their Map

First Step: MapServer

PostGIS is born

Can't compute

BUG: PostGIS doesn't like my data

"PostGIS doesn't like my data. Here is my data, what's wrong with it?"

Route to PostGIS (Allusion)

Route to PostGIS in Practice


XKCD: Wisdom of the Ancients

Trip to PostGIS revisit

SQL Standards are old and new

OSGeo: Open Source Geospatial Foundation

The beginning of OSGeo

Guiding tenents

  • The present is controlled by the majority.
  • The future is shaped by the minority.

Detour to Fossils

Clone a Fossil repository
fossil clone
Local webserver for your local fossil
fossil ui libspatialite.fossil

Import a git repository
git fast-export --all | fossil import --git C:/fossil/FOSS/qgis.fossil

Fossil: A distributed source control system that runs everywhere and stores more than code. Managed with a single executable that acts as both a commandline client and a web server.

What makes people choose a FOSS product?

The present is controlled by the majority
  • Market share: Network inertia
  • Free lunch and good enough
  • It is better than the other offerings
  • Libre - liberating, a tool you can change

What makes people support FOSS

The future is shaped by the minority
  • Libre - liberating, a tool you can change
  • It is better than the other offerings
  • Free lunch and good enough (minus the hardware)
  • Market share: Network inertia

Post GIS Vision

Created with PostGIS svg function and Martin Davis postgis svg helper functions